
It’s Baseball Season! Set Your Team up for Success With These Tips

The slush is gone on the outdoor fields, and that familiar itch is probably in the air—spring baseball is in full swing! With its tension-filled scoring system and lots of movement, baseball has rendered itself a huge money-maker for college and professional venues alike, which is all the more reason to be concerned about the safety of your star players.

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How to Place Your Wall Decals for the Best Effect

When used conscientiously and with taste, wall graphics can amp up a crowd or inspire the passerby. And while they may always add to the ambiance of your athletic facility, there are plenty of ways to maximise their vibe-enhancing prowess.

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Make 2021 the Best Year Yet for Your Athletic Facility

Thank goodness 2020 is over! We can safely leave what was a hectic year for many in the dust now that the dreary months of January and February have passed. Spring has now sprung, it’s the time for new beginnings, and nowhere is this line of thinking more true than when it comes to your athletic facility. Yep, even if yours is state of the art!

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Why Look At Past Clientele When Selecting a Sports Wall Padding Company

A company’s history says a lot about it when it comes to many industries, and that of athletic padding is no exception. For example, on the websites of many providers of sports padding you’ll find that many will list past clientele, usually notable teams they have served and various resulting success stories. This can, at first glance, seem like blatant bragging, sure, but it serves a much more useful purpose than that, especially for you, the person in need of sports venue padding.

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How Much Stadium Padding Is Too Much?

You know that athletic padding is not something to be taken lightly. You’ve read our stadium padding blog, after all, plus you know that the health and safety of your athletes is paramount. The promising young people who play for your team deserve it.

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How to Pick a Great Athletic Padding Company

You’ve done the research. You know top-quality athletic padding is essential to your sports program’s prolonged health and the current health of your athletes. Now you’re on the lookout for a vendor of such products – and not just any vendor will do.

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How Much Does the Quality of Your Athletic Pads Matter?

As a place of higher education, your finances are probably constantly pulled left and right. Do you invest in new equipment for your biology programs or add more bathrooms to a heavily used building? Do you provide better university housing or higher-quality mental health services for students? We’ll stop there, but the list goes on and on!

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Two Ways Athletic Wall Pads Can Build Brand Awareness

For both contact sports and non-contact sports, athletic padding is essential. Sports venue padding keeps athletes safe on the court, whether their sport involves full-on collisions or not, and as such they also help organizers everywhere avoid costly lawsuits. However, as important as sports padding is for safety’s sake, it also serves a very important secondary purpose: building a brand.

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How to Take Care of Your Athletic Padding

Athletic padding from is made to last. Our tough-as-nails products have served more stadiums and venues than we can count, and college athletes are all the safer for it. However, your wall padding also takes quite the beating. Standing up against the repeated pummelings of tough athletes is not an easy job, after all!

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The Importance of Fonts and Lettering

When you’re investing in new wall pads and other amenities for your athletic facility, you need to consult with the experts to ensure you have clean, captivating typography for your organization’s design. While you might think of the design and colors as the only important part of your design, the fonts and lettering are what ties everything together. The business of typography and lettering designs is booming and is a multi-billion dollar industry. There have been several studies done that show how important font design is in creating a cohesive design. So, how do you decide which font type is best for your school or organization? Here, our experts at will explain the importance of fonts and their aspects.

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