
How to Take Advantage of Natural Light in a Facility

Sunlight is one of the best ways to make any facility seem warm, inviting, and attractive. There’s a reason, after all, that modern architecture in a variety of categories focuses so much on its inclusion! As amazing a design tool as natural lighting is, though, it can also be quite harmful to your facility in the right circumstances. UV damage is no joke, and too much natural light can make your attendees feel exposed and self-conscious.

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How to Prevent Concussive Injury in Football Players

When it comes to contact sports, football is arguably one of the most brutal—and the one in which athletes are most prone to concussive injury. According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, “Between 1.7 and 3 million sports- and recreation-related concussions happen each year. Around 300,000 of those are from football.” And that’s only concussions—that statistic doesn’t account for other injuries as a result of impact.

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Benefits of Rail and Post Padding

Outdoor padding is a necessity for any school or professional stadium. Aside from protecting athletes from injury, it also serves as a wonderful method to boost your brand and craft a reputation for your team. However, many schools don’t think much about padding the rails to their outdoor facilities; they’re such a small detail that they fall under the shadow of the larger upgrades, like wall padding or stage padding. Sure, they might get padded at the end of the day, but it’s difficult

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How to Work Wall Pads Into Your School Branding

In an increasingly competitive academic environment, colleges across the country are turning to branding as a way to attract students, maintain revenue, and even hype up their sports teams. But fitting each and every part of an athletic facility into a branding approach can be tricky; when everything must add to your unique image in some way or another, how can you make something as universally essential as wall pads contribute?

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How to Stop Wall Pads From Fading in the Sun

All sports facilities must contend and work with the sun – it’s just nature. From cooling the indoors to stave off the heat to welcoming its presence in the colder months, working with it is a critical part of smart facility management, as to ignore it welcomes in the near irreversible foe that is UV damage.

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Is Your Gym Ready for the 2021-22 Winter Season?

As outdoor practices begin to move indoors and frost coats the grounds in the mornings, one thing’s becoming clear: the winter sports season is on its way. Though you’ve probably done your fair share of prepwork when it comes to your gyms before you opened them in the fall, they’re bound to see an uptick in use as colder weather sets in; are your facilities up to the challenge?

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How to Maintain Athletic Facility Sponsors

Last month on our stadium padding blog, we touched on “How to Get School Sponsorships—” a topic pertinent to your athletic program’s success if there ever was one. But these sponsorships aren’t just one-and-done deals; they’re working relationships that require consistent input from both sides if they are to be successful for both parties.

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Is it Time for an Athletic Facility Makeover?

Whether you’re a college or a community, your athletic facility is no doubt the crown jewel of your locale. By providing a place where everyone can get together and watch exciting games—not to mention work out in some cases—it serves as a warm, welcoming gathering place where people can take a load off and bond with their neighbors.

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Why Order All Your School Branding Merch From the Same Company?

When you have an established school brand, you most likely have a style guide to go with it—a guide that provides vendor information for everything from what colors to use to the mascot art you want on a given product. With such a comprehensive document, you may reason, what could go wrong with shopping around? How hard can following pre-written instructions be?

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How are Athletic Pads Affixed to the Wall?

Athletic padding is both a practical and aesthetic investment in your facility’s success. By protecting your athletes from injury and being a brand-boosting asset as well, they’ve rendered themselves an irreplaceable part of the stadiums of top national and university teams—and of your league, too, of course.

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