
Assessing Your Gym Wall Padding after Winter Sports

The winter sports seasons can take a toll on your school’s athletic facilities. Between basketball practices for both the girls and boys teams, wrestling practices, and at times, the first few practices for spring sports like track and baseball, your facilities will get a lot of use during the cold winter months. While all of your products are designed to withstand the rigors of everyday use, sometimes a freak collision or simply age can cause your facility’s amenities to wear out.

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Why You Should Invest in Custom Banners

If you are looking to enhance the appearance of your athletic facilities while also inducing pride from your fans and athletes, you should consider investing in banners to commemorate various achievements from your program’s teams and individual athletes. Fans and athletes want to remember these moments with pride, and they also want to be pushed to continue to succeed in the future. Championship banners are a great investment when you are looking to create an electric atmosphere for your community within your athletic facilities. Here, our experts at will discuss the various advantages of banners and why you should invest in them.

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Keep Your Volleyball Players Safe With Athletic Padding

There’s nothing quite like watching a thrilling game of volleyball. The quick scoring, loud teamwork, and sheer determination of the players all makes for one exciting game. Honestly, is there anything more gritty than digging it for the ball? Plus, volleyball generates all of its intensity without a shred of player contact—can any sport even come close to saying that?

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Maintaining Your Wall Pads

In order to maintain a safe playing environment for all athletes and fans, you have to do more than just install state-of-the-art wall pads. The wall pads need to be constantly maintained to ensure your facilities remain safe for athletes. Like anything else, the padding at your facility will wear over time, creating a hazard for athletes and fans. When this happens, you should immediately replace your wall pads so athletes do not have a false sense of security.

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Why You Need Wall Padding in Your School’s Wrestling Room

It’s no secret that wrestling is one of the most physical, collision-heavy sports around. Though you may invest heavily in the proper wrestling mats for competition and practice, you also need to invest in state-of-the-art wall paddings for your wrestling program’s practice facilities. Wall padding allows your team to practice without worrying about injuries from collisions. Additionally, they bring a variety of other benefits to your program and should be well maintained to ensure the safety of your athletes.

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The Importance of Fonts & Lettering in the Design of Your Wall Pads

Documentaries have been made, podcasts have been launched, and volumes have been published about the importance of typography and font in business and marketing. Approaching font design requires more than just selecting from a long list of default styles in your software. It calls for an entire philosophical and creative approach that contributes to your school or team’s brand and cultural identity.

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How Do You Know When It’s Time To Replace Your Protective Padding?

Over time, the protective wall padding you have installed throughout your athletic facilities will wear out, either due to age or frequent collisions. No matter how it wears out, it’s crucial you replace the wall pads when necessary. Not only will replacing your wall pads enhance the safety of your athletic facilities, but it will also enhance the brand awareness throughout your facilities and town. It is important to frequently check your wall pads to ensure they still meet the necessary safety standards. Here, our team of professionals at will discuss what to look for to ensure your wall pads are still safe for athletic competitions.

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How to Get Athletic Facility Sponsors

Though it’d be awesome to run your facility simply from visitor profits, many athletic facilities these days have turned to other measures to keep their facilities afloat—namely, sponsorships. Not to be discounted, these branding partnerships can be beneficial for the reputation of the facility and sponsor alike. The former gets some much-needed funds and the latter gets the PR boost of being associated with a community gathering space.

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Sponsorships and Sports Padding: How to Make Sure Everyone Gets Their Fair Share of Space

Previously on our athletic padding blog, we talked about how stadium padding provides a great space for you to show off all your sponsors—all while helping to build your school brand and keeping your athletes safe. It’s an awesome opportunity, but one that does require a bit of thinking to get right. Primarily, when you start to get more sponsorships than your wall padding can handle!

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What To Consider Before Purchasing Wall Pads

When you are looking to enhance the safety at your athletic facilities, you need to do your research and consider a variety of different factors before you make your final purchase. In addition to the safety of your athletes, staff members, and coaches, you need to consider the layout of your athletic facility, as well as how you want your design to look. With all these factors in mind, you need to set a budget and consult with an expert to determine what choices are best for your facilities. Here, our team at will discuss what you need to take into account before purchasing wall pads.

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