
Why You Should Get Bleacher Curtains for Basketball Season

In today’s world, more schools are adopting bleacher curtains for their athletic facilities to keep fans and athletes safe. We suggest using bleacher curtains to keep fans and children out from underneath the bleachers in your school’s gym or colosseum. Because of the various mechanisms and tracks under bleachers, they are relatively unsafe, and no one should be playing or taking shortcuts under them.

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Maintaining Your Playing Fields

To give your athletes the best play facilities possible while also giving your fans the best experience possible, it is crucial to maintain your athletic facilities and playing surfaces. While the main show takes place on the field of play, important events happen on the sidelines, in the endzones, and on the baselines. The sidelines play host to the coaches, cheerleaders, medical crews, camera crews, media, and more. If those areas are not well-maintained, it may be difficult to build a strong fan base and increase awareness for your programs. Here, our experts at will discuss why it’s important to maintain all aspects of your facilities.

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Polyurethane Foam And Wall Pads

At, we pride ourselves on providing you with the highest quality products to keep your athletes, fans, and staff safe near the playing surface. Due to our commitment to the safety of our customers, we have frequently upgraded to the newest, most advanced equipment to protect you. In recent years, we have begun using Polyurethane foam for our wall pads. This type of foam is proven to be one of the most versatile products on the market. Not only is it used for safety in wall pads and more, but it is also used in several different industries.

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What Can Happen to You When You Run Into a Wall

As an athlete at any level, you expect to play a physical sport, possibly resulting in collisions and injuries. It’s just the name of the game. However, not all athletes or spectators understand the repercussions that can stem from collisions. While most facilities have standard protective equipment installed, not all have the most up-to-date equipment, which is great at reducing injuries. Here, our experts at will go over what can happen to an athlete during a collision.

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What Type of Wall Pads Should Your Facility Have?

Whether you’re constructing a new facility or renovating your current one, the type of wall pad you purchase should be a top priority as they impact athlete safety. While they obviously add an aesthetic and cultural feel to the area, the most important factor to determine is safety.

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How Branding Creates Fan Loyalty

Establishing a brand to connect with your fans is a vital part of any organization, whether it is new or has been around for years. The love of the game is what brings most sports fans out, but the culture and pride is passed down and shared by all, which creates a dynamic that cannot be beat.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Old Wall Pads?

Are your athletic facility’s wall pads getting old? If so, it may be time to replace your old wall pads with newer, sturdier wall pads that have a more vibrant, updated design. If you need newer wall pads, can help you custom order and deliver your new wall pads just in time for the upcoming season.

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Branding and Its Impact on Organizations

At the heart of wall padding design is an institution’s identity. Various images and levels of identity and branding can be printed on wall padding including logos, team colors, mascots, or even sponsors and advertisements. All of these play a part in establishing a team or school’s brand.

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Field & Gym Pad Design Tips

Wall pads offer more than superior protection against concussions and injuries. They also give you an opportunity to display your school’s colors, mascot, or logo. Wall pads are completely customizable, and they provide a large, smooth surface for you to add any type of graphic or lettering.

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How Does a Concussion Have a Lasting Effect On an Athlete?

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) triggered by a blow to the head or by a sudden impact on the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to spring around or detach from the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.

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