
How Does the Height of Backstop Netting Affect its Performance and Benefits?

Explore the effects of backstop netting height on safety, cost, and performance. Learn how to optimize your sports facility's netting system with expert insights from

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What Areas of Your Football Stadium Need Branding?

Branding your football stadium is a great way to encourage brand awareness and enhance your atmosphere. Click here to learn more today.

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6 Softball Field Maintenance Tips To Save Time and Money

As Field of Dreams had it, “If you build it, they will come.” While anyone can build a softball field, most people don’t realize it takes a lot of work and organization to maintain that field.

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How to Select the Right Wall Pads for Different Sports?

Discover how to select the right wall pads for various sports, including basketball, football, and hockey. offers expert advice and top-quality products.

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7 Often Overlooked Football Field Maintenance Tips

It’s officially football season. Soon players will don their shoulder pads, cleats and helmets and rush out to roaring crowds.

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Do You Have the Essential Padding for Baseball Stadiums?

Baseball is a no-contact sport for the most part—teams don’t fight for the ball as do football players. But that doesn’t mean there’s no potential for concussive injury! Indeed, when running, jumping, and aiming the ball, it’s all too easy to run into the walls of the stadium; you’ve probably seen videos of amazing pop flies caught in that way, or even witnessed an instance yourself!

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Tips to Keep Your Baseball and Softball Fields Maintained

Maintaining baseball and softball fields may seem simplistic, but a lot of behind-the-scenes work goes into the process. The groundskeeper, coaches, or whomever might be in charge of maintenance has a long task-list to ensure the fields have the best playing conditions, as well as ensuring the facilities look great for spectators. Building the facility is simple compared to maintaining it. Here, experts at have installed our products in thousands of stadiums and know what it takes to maintain a good facility.

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A Complete Guide to Athletic Padding Care

Are your field wall pads getting old? If so, it may be time to replace your wall padding. offers complete wall padding design and manufacturing for your athletic facility.

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Why Add Padding & Graphics to Your Locker Room?

Imagine a concrete block room painted top to bottom in gray, a room filled with rusty lockers and dilapidated benches. No, it’s not a prison cell or a torture chamber. It’s just your average locker room—and if that’s the way it looks, then no wonder team morale is plummeting!

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What Are the Physical Effects of Running Into a Wall?

As you plan the design and layout of your athletic facilities, you need to consider the sports played in each facility. Some sports, like basketball and football, are more contact sports than volleyball or baseball. With this in mind, you need to do a full analysis of your facility and locate all areas that could prove dangerous in the chance of a collision.

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